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Integrating Principles in Education
Guiding Perspective
The most strategic thing that can happen is for the principles to be lived and taught by real educators who are already employed inside school systems.

With more than 30 years serving school communities, we at the National Resilience Resource Center are convinced educators are best positioned to institutionalize the principles into American educational systems. We expect this is true globally. We encourage inside-the-system strategies for optimal results.
A comprehensive team of school board members, administrators, curriculum directors, classroom teachers and aides; student services employees (counselors, social workers, nurses, special education and mental health specialists), and support staffers is essential. 

Comparable titles for these positions vary by country. School-led collaboration with community members, agencies and parents can further enhance positive student outcomes. Ultimately it is authorized school personnel who are with each student day after day for well over a decade. Certainly other professionals, agencies and families are also important.

These pages are designed to support educators in exploring and successfully integrating the principles into their own systems. The results can be profound.

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Kathy Marshall Emerson, NRRC Director
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